Electronic System

Neonatal Electronic Registry System (mfnhrc.tums.ac.ir)

Development Center

Neonatal Neuro-development Counseling Center

Work With Us

Work With Maternal, Fetal, Neonatal Research Center

Research Priorities

In order to make a positive difference in maternal and neonatal health, we have set the following research priorities...

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Educational, Clinical and Genetics Services

Raising parental awareness on how to care and bring comfort for their newborns is of utmost importance

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Members of the center

In this page you can see all members of the Neonatal Neuro-development Counseling Center

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Institute for Family Health

Upon the endorsement by the Association of Research Centers collaboration and the Association of Medical Universities Extension in Tehran...

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Guide for Researchers

Maternal, Fetal and Neonatal Research Center welcomes contributions to develop, conduct, and submit related research projects.

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Neonatal Neuro-development Counseling Center

One of the biggest ambitions of World Health Organization (WHO) in the third millennium is maintaining and enhancing maternal and neonatal health.

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About Us

Maternal, Fetal, and Neonatal Research Center was established in 2009 under the official approval of Ministry of Health and Medical Education in Iran. The center is affiliated with Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS) and is well-recognized in conducting fundamental and applied researches.

Our Mission

Our primary mission is to promote maternal, fetal and neonatal research studies through our committed group whose shared interest is to improve social well-being, placing a high emphasis on research and development.

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